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  • Writer's picturePhilip Niño Tan-Gatue

Happy Chinese New Year!

Wishing everyone a fruitful and happy year of the Ox!

So far, the year of the Ox has me working hard! Truly like an ox! In addition to patients starting to come back more and more, I've gotten a few more tasks under my belt.

Firstly, and most importantly, my work as a site supervisor in the WHO Solidarity Trials for COVID-19 vaccines is going full speed ahead. As I told my crew, this is our chance to nail some final coffins in this pandemic.

Secondly, my tasks with the National Certification Committee for Traditional Chinese Medicine begin in earnest. It is a very important thing for me to help establish and maintain high standards for the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Philippines.

Lastly for now, working in the academe for the promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a big deal. Hopefully I will be back to teaching in the SMIC Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and starting my tenure with the Philippine QiHuang TCM Institute, Inc. in addition to cooperating with Tianjin University of TCM and Fujian University of TCM.

I certainly hope that this year will be much better than the last!

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