Meeting Dr. Andrew Wu
I was fortunate to be introduced to Dr. Andrew Wu, L.Ac., PhD., in 2007 when he came to the Philippines. He had given some lectures on scalp acupuncture and I was fortunate to have been a participant.

Dr. Andrew Wu, L.Ac., PhD., Dr. Philip Tan-Gatue, MD, C.Ac. and Dr. Regina Liu, L.Ac.
Incidentally this was at a McDonald’s here in Manila. Not the most healthy of food joints but it was the only one open at that late hour.
A Gift
Recently he had given me his latest book as a present.

Chinese Medicine and Tai Ji
The cover alone brings back memories. I had recalled Dr. Wu comparing the curve of the Taijitu, or yin yang symbol, to a sine wave. Yes, THAT sine wave.

Thanks for the autograph sir!
I’m keeping this book to sell on ebay twenty years from now. Kidding.
Visit Dr. Andrew Wu at